Supporting Your Child with their Mental Health

Kerry Hearsey
December 29, 2023
 min read
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Supporting Your Child with their Mental Health

Supporting Your Child with their Mental Health

We are continuing on from last months blog ( to look at ways in which to support your child’s mental health with another of our six key areas of the Foundation - THE ARTS!


At the Little Beam Foundation, we focus on 6 key areas of support- Play, Music, Art, Sport, Education and Health. So let’s get to today’s blog - grab yourself a cuppa, relax and unwind, and enjoy the read!

Nurturing Minds through Art: The Transformative Impact on Mental Health in Children and Young Adults

In a fast-paced world where mental health concerns are on the rise, the transformative power of the arts has gained recognition as a valuable tool for promoting emotional well-being. This blog post delves into the profound impact of the arts on mental health, with a particular focus on children and young adults. Through the lens of scientific research and expert opinions, we explore how engagement with various art forms can enhance emotional expression, promote self-discovery, and cultivate resilience.

The Therapeutic Power of Art 

Art, in its various forms, offers a unique medium for self-expression and emotional healing. Engaging in activities such as drawing, painting, music, dance, or drama allows individuals to externalise their inner thoughts and feelings, offering a sense of catharsis and release. The creative process itself becomes a therapeutic journey, providing a safe space to explore and process complex emotions.

1. According to renowned psychologist Carl Jung, "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct." This quote highlights the notion that engaging in creative activities, such as the arts, taps into our innate sense of playfulness and promotes emotional well-being.

2. In a study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology, researchers found that engaging in visual arts significantly reduced stress and anxiety levels among children and adolescents, fostering a positive impact on mental health.

Enhancing Emotional Expression and Communication

Art provides an avenue for individuals, particularly children and young adults, to express their emotions when words fall short. Visual arts, for example, allow individuals to communicate complex emotions through colour, shape, and form. Music, on the other hand, can serve as a cathartic outlet for emotional release, providing solace and resonance in the lyrics and melodies.

Engaging in art forms also helps individuals develop a sense of agency and control over their emotions. Through creativity, they can externalise their inner experiences, gaining a better understanding of themselves and fostering self-compassion.

1. According to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, "When we are involved in [creativity], we feel that we are living more fully than during the rest of life." This quote emphasises the profound emotional and psychological benefits of engaging in creative activities.

2. In a study published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, researchers observed that participation in drama activities improved emotional regulation and self-awareness in children and adolescents, leading to better mental health outcomes.

Promoting Self-Discovery and Identity Formation

The arts provide a platform for individuals to explore their identities, aspirations, and values. Through creative expression, children and young adults can discover their unique strengths, talents, and interests. Engaging in the arts encourages self-reflection and introspection, facilitating a deeper understanding of one's inner world and fostering personal growth.

1. Dance educator and researcher Judith Lynne Hanna asserts, "Dance can lead us to a balanced life, to greater self-awareness, self-confidence, self-expression, self-esteem, self-discipline, and to enhanced cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills." This quote underscores the multifaceted benefits of dance in promoting holistic well-being.

2. In a study published in the Journal of Early Childhood Research, researchers found that engagement with visual arts and crafts activities positively influenced self-esteem and self-concept development in young children.

Cultivating Resilience and Coping Mechanisms 

Participation in the arts nurtures resilience by fostering adaptive coping mechanisms in the face of adversity. Creative endeavours provide an outlet for processing and transforming challenging experiences, allowing individuals to develop strategies for emotional regulation and stress management.

  1. Art therapist Cathy Malchiodi explains, "Art making can be a sanctuary of respite and stress reduction." This statement highlights the therapeutic potential of engaging in art to cope with stress and build resilience.
  2. In a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, researchers found that participation in music-related activities was associated with higher levels of resilience in young adults, contributing to their psychological well-being.

The arts offer a powerful means of promoting mental health and well-being in children and young adults. By providing a platform for emotional expression, enhancing communication, promoting self-discovery, and cultivating resilience, engagement with various art forms can significantly impact mental health outcomes. As educators, parents, and society as a whole, we must recognise and foster the importance of the arts in nurturing the minds and emotional well-being of the younger generation. Embracing the transformative power of the arts can pave the way for a healthier, more emotionally resilient future for our children and young adults.

Kerry Hearsey
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